Food Web and the Chaparral Biome on the Map

The image below shows a general food web on animals and plants within the California chaparral. As you can see, the first group in light green are all plants, who are the producers. The second group with a mint green shows the primary producers, who are herbivores. The third group shows the secondary producers, who are carnivores and omnivores. The last group shows the tertiary consumers, who are consumers. This food web does not show the decomposers, but I have explained and listed different animals who I have seen and observed as decomposers in this environment.

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This image below shows the areas in the world where the chaparral biome is located. I am interested in the different chaparral biomes, and would like to travel there some day to compare the different areas around the world. The different chaparral biomes include California, Central Chile, the Mediterranean Basin, South Africa, and Southwest and South Australia.

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